Practical ecological advice for home gardeners.
Welcome to London Middlesex Master Gardeners
Recent Posts
- Andrena – Mining Bee
- Shagbark Hickory: A Native Giant with a Sweet Secret
- Seedy Saturday 2025
- Make your own Plant Pots – low-cost, recycled, kid-friendly
- Plant the right trees! Best Choices for Ontario
- Halictid bee (Bicoloured Striped Sweat Bee)
- Sporobolus heterolepis (Prairie Dropseed)
- Northern White Cedar Tree – Thuja occidentalis
Apps, Plant Identification, Pest & Weed Databases, Webinar offerings, plus Links to essential resources such as these: Conservation, Agriculture, Government, University Extension, Blogs, Videos, Magazines, and Podcasts.
Many apps are essential in the field to help identify plants, pests, or weeds. These helpful tools will get you growing!
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Code of Conduct – London Middlesex Master Gardeners are committed to fostering an environment in which everyone is treated with dignity and respect, regardless of race, national or ethnic origin, colour, age, gender, sexual identity or sexual orientation, religion, political affiliation or abilities. All members are expected to adhere to this principle. We do not tolerate any form of discrimination, harassment, abuse, or bullying. If you feel that the code of conduct has been breached, please reach out to our Coordinator by emailing us here.